General Information
The costume from Camasca was compiled between 2009 and 2016 in the municipality of Camasca, department of Intibucá, by Johann Edmundo Seren Castillo. It was delivered to the executive management of the Department of Culture and Arts on August 24, 2017, in La Casa de La Cultura of La Esperanza, Intibucá.
This folk costume was documented by Johann Seren Castillo in the municipality of Camasca, Intibucá, with the support of the Saint Abimael Amaya Cantarero. The costume was informed by Hilario Olayo Cantarero, Virginia Gamez, and Jose Vidal Ramos. The investigation was carried out between 2009 and 2016. The witnesses of the compilation were members of the Ballet Folklórico de Honduras Oro Lenca:
- Xiomara Mercedes Orellana López
- Diego Rafael Orellana López
- Nilvia Evarista Muñoz Vasquez
- Alexa Nicollete Pineda Tosta
- Augusto Antonio Nuñez Manzanares
The costume was stylized with the support of Elías Alberto Hernández Garcia. The first sample of the wardrobe was tailored by Mrs. Annie Haylock in La Esperanza, Intibucá. It was presented for the first time at the National Palito Verde Festival in Azacualpa, Santa Barbara, on July 28, 2016. Thanks to the support of Eric Zeron and modeled by students of the San José Catholic Institute in El Progresso.
Camasca is a municipality located in the southern area of the department of Intibucá, founded on January 28, 1740. This municipality was an epicenter of the Catholic church in the region with a colonial and religious heritage.
Its origin is of the period of the Independent Republic of Central America in the history of our country. Our informants told us that the costume was used by people who originated in the municipality and were born between 1850 and 1890.
After arduous investigations and visits to this municipality, Johann Seren Castillo presented this typical costume of the locality which by its origin classifies it as a creole or colonial costume within the classifications established by the National Office of Folklore.
The Woman's Custume
The woman's suit is made of colored fabrics and can be used in the following ways. The white blouse and the coloured skirt, all the single-bottomed dress, combine skirt and blouse of two different colors, for use as colonial can suit you crinoline, both the blouse and the skirt are adorned with white laces and trims and braids of color, accompanied by a cover or shawl of color different the same dress that has double function and can be used as a shawl or adapt to the waist of the woman as girdle.
The skirt takes a flight in the lower part and two levers that surround the whole circumference of the skirt.
The blouse is Chinese type collar, long sleeves and panties in the front arm, on the side of the chest and the gorge is adorned with white laces and braidss and colored edgings. Equally the presence of alforces is well pronounced, it is worth mentioning that the Alfrozas are typical of the traditional costumes of the Lenca area.
The outfit is adorned with accessories, white whip adorned with lace, black shoes and for the hair a braid is used for the back adorned with red or white trims, the woman's hair is combed with a path to the center (in both uses) the hair ornaments are optional flowers or headdresses.
The woman wears earrings and necklaces of either seeds or fantasy depending on their the desired aspect.
The Man's Costume
The man's suit is dark pants and the X-shaped straps, the sash is used in black, with the buckle on the left side, with a formal cut, the shirt is Guayavera type in white, or pastel shades adorned with tucks and braid of the same color of the fabric on the front and wax, is worn white center shirt by obligation.
Accessories to the man's costume are black shoes or low buttoned boots, red handkerchief, scabbard and machete, white handkerchief, dark socks, and white or black felt hats.